Boston Cereal Party?

An interesting theory has arisen on a blog known as The Blake Project. Said theory entertains the idea that advertising is in fact, somewhat useless, especially when focused on children. The theory states that children are “advertising literate” and less succeptible to advertisements targeting them. It must be true, after all it is online, and come on how many kids know who Ronald McDonald is anyway.

Criticism aside, however, they bring up a solid point. A soap-factory kind of a point. Maybe there’s more that we can do that simply ban advertising. Maybe the real success story lies with pricing. Maybe what we need is some good old-fashioned taxes.
Tax the junk food? Tax old Ronald? These seem like bold ideas, especially when you find out that Ronald probably donates a fair amount of money to someone with enough political power to laugh this idea down. Gotta love lobbyists. Then again, with a brand new President promising change, perhaps a good old fashioned tax-raise on junk food is all we need. After all everything else will be raised.

So let’s raise our vats of lard, our boiling water and our bars of soap to good old fashioned taxation regardless of representation


~ by renderfat on November 13, 2008.

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