Let’s Go Soap-ing.

I have to hand it to you, Kelloggs. I mean I really do.

Kellogg’s just announced that they will “stop advertising products to kids under 12 if the foods exceed new dietary guidelines for sugar, fat and sodium content. If a product the company now advertises to kids doesn’t meet the new criteria, it is to be reformulated so that it does, or the ads will cease—at least on those shows for which half the viewers are under 12.” In the words of Paris Hilton, “That’s hot”.

Amazing? Yes. A PR move? Definately. Still though, you have to hand it to the bowl brigade for agreeing, no matter the reasons, to make change. After all, that’s what a psychotic social-mite like me is meant to do right? Make change?

Truth be told I can’t actually take responsibility for this little spoonful of sugar. Read the article and you’ll see that it was an old friend of TyDurden’s, a soap manufacturer you might say, the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood, is the real knight in shining armor. I’m just Lancelot, the shinier knight who takes credit and ultimately steals King Arthur’s wife…how dare you judge me.

~ by renderfat on November 12, 2008.

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